Sunday, March 16, 2008

Asthma and Your Pet

Asthma and Your Pet-New Natural Treatments

While Asthma is a disease that most of us are very familiar with when it comes to people, it is not one that often comes to mind when talking about our pets. But that is about to change. Asthma rates are on the rise, and not just in the human population. Even though many of us know the term, we don’t really understand the disease. Come with us as we look at just what Asthma is and how you can effectively fight it.

So the first question is, what is Asthma? The simple explanation is that when an animal’s airways become inflamed and then spasm, it is referred to as an Asthma attack. This inflammation also leads to excess amounts of mucus and difficulty breathing. If left untreated, severe Asthma attacks can be fatal.

Asthma has a similar presentation in animals as it does in human beings. The first thing that you notice is a wheezing cough, which may be followed by a whistling sound on the exhale. In cats these symptoms are often confused with hairballs. If you are concerned that your pet may be suffering from an Asthma attack, then make sure you check out the color of its tongue. If the tongue is a purple color then it is an indication that your pet is suffering from a lack of oxygen in the blood due to respiratory distress. In other words, get them to a vet right away.

Now, while any dog or cat can be diagnosed with Asthma, the disease is most common young and middle-aged animals. Also certain breeds of cats, like the Siamese and the Himalayan, are much more prone to developing the disease. Other than that, it is up to you to be on the lookout. Since it can develop in any animal, it is important to be vigilant. If you suspect that your pet may be suffering from Asthma then make an appointment with your vet. There are several tests that they can run, such as chest X-rays, to give you a firm diagnoses.

So once you have your diagnoses then it is time to decide on a method of treatment. For most asthma pet owners, the first instinct is to go with the traditional methods of treatment. This includes long-term use of steroids to reduce the amount of inflammation in the bronchial tubes. It also calls for the use of antihistamines in acute situations. The upside is that modern medicine knows that this treatment works, the downside is that we also know that it can lead to a depletion of the immune system and major side effects.

If you keep an open mind then there are other options out there that you should look into and discuss with your vet. Natural remedies are becoming more and more popular due to their effectiveness and their desirable side effect profile. It depends on just how severe your pet’s Asthma is, but proper use of these treatments can significantly lower the amount of prescription drugs that you have to use. In most cases, prescription drugs can be eliminated all together. If this sounds like something that you would be interested in then you should definitely look into PetAlive’s AmazaPet. AmazaPet has been shown to significantly reduce Asthma symptoms in pets. It is 100% all natural and offered in easy to administer tablets.

Your pet can still lead a long and healthy life if asthma is proper;y treated. Look at all your options. Educate yourself about the disease so that you can make informed choices about your pet’s health. And talk to your vet about alternative therapies, you might just be happy that you did.

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